Tuesday, January 25, 2011

near the end

Hello everyone, I am really disliking this course. I do not like research paper let alone having to try and a 5 to 8 page paper while having a full time job, practically being a single parent, and two class which both require writing assignment. I barely have time to do one course and trying to stay a float in this class is really stressing me out. I am hoping to get some of my writing done this weekend and hopefully have some feedback. I will try my best this week to get some work done for this class.
I have been feeling so overwhelm with everyday life, I do wonder if its the same for everyone else. How does a single mother cope? Will I ever feel complete relief? I am left to my questions which ironically,  I have no time to answer.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

week 5 in a student life

Hi everyone, the weeks have past by so fast I have not yet fully grasp my research paper and the rough draft is due this week, man am I in trouble. I really need to hire some one to come and help me over the weekend on watching my kids so I can focus on my academics assignments. I need all the tips I can get on the apa style and citation. I am reading the resources but my brain just does not seem to understand or as usual it only in takes what it wants :) I will be very busy this week and my brain will be fried by next week.
 I have started my new position at my job. I really like it. so many new things to do and so little time. I will need to go, times awastin.
Pamela Colbert

Monday, January 3, 2011

holiday blues

hello world.
another holiday gone by, well my fears are showing there heads beyond. I receive news about my husbands deployment. He has been home for about eleven months and here we go again. I thought I could handle this situation no problems since I am so use to being on my own. However its no longer just me anymore, I have two children and have to face another year alone with the responsibility of being mom and dad is overwhelming. I do pray everyday that he will not go.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hello everyone, This is my first time blogging. My name is Pamela (Pam) Colbert. I have a wonderful little family consist of two kids, husband, two german shepherds, and two more pups on the way. I am bless every day with a wonderful family, roof over my head and food in our kitchen. The only other thing I do wish for is more time to fit everything in my daily schedule. Or maybe a higher i q :) Just one more major holiday to prepare for, Christmas..Yeah!!!! my favorite holiday. I get to bake with my little girl and my son gets to eat it. This year I will teach my kids on learning on how to give. we are going to provide the church with some presents for Native American kids.